Tuesday 20 November 2012

A's Birthday - a photoessay

Here, from beginning to end, is A's first birthday as shown in photos...

Breakfast: How old are you today?
Excellent, now some playing and looking at books until Granny came - then presents!

More playing - and apparently shutting himself in the fridge was the best game ever!

After lunch, a trip to the park - swings
exploring bark chips and leaves

and climbing on the climber - 'no Mommy, I can do it mySELF!'

peek a boo

and pictures to scare Daddy with...
After a nap, some more cards and presents - he's getting good at opening things!
We like cards, they're like little books!



and then swimming with Daddy!
Jumping in...

life jackets

and playing in the boat

Home to bed, exhausted but happy!

Happy Birthday little boy!!!!

Friday 18 May 2012

I recently got to try out a new laundry product. It wasn't until after I got it that I thought 'gee whiz, A isn't running around getting grass stains on his knees, or even eating solid food to get chocolate ice cream down his front.... how *will* I test this?' I thought of maybe spilling a coffee on myself (well, ok, on an old pillowcase just in case) and doing the whole 'spray the stain remover down one side and see how well it works compared to using nothing. I was quite excited about it. But then....

Ah, thought I, now there is a stain that most mothers will be familiar with!!

So, once child was stripped, bathed, fed and asleep I tackled the pile of laundry - onesie, diaper cover (from our cloth diapers) and the change mat cover:

I sprayed the stain remover on and left it for 5 minutes as directed while I ran round the house looking for other things to put in the machine and microwaved my lunch - clever eh - a built in timer so I know it was 5 minutes! The directions say that you can't let the product dry on the clothes so I was doing a load of laundry in *gasp* peak Time Of Use Time!!!! So, the stain remover used I also threw one of the little laundry packs into the machine, wondering a)if the bag would actually dissolve in cold water and b)how that little pack was going to be enough to wash the whole load since it looked the same size as the ones we use for our dishwasher. Well, here are the results:

Change cover 1, everything else 0. Well ok, it's less, but it certainly isn't out. I didn't find half dissolved plastic bits anywhere, but not completely impressed by the feel of the laundry either. Try again. This time really grinding the stain remover into the clothes. (On a side note, even washing my hands several times afterwards I couldn't get the smell of Clorox off. It wasn't a cleaning bleachy smell, but I did notice it for a long time afterwards, but then I was at the dentist and got distracted by drilling (theirs) and sobbing (mine)). Round 2?

Ok, the diaper cover is ok, it'll probably come out in a couple more washes, and you can barely see it on the onesie, but you can still see it. I've run out of laundry for now, but I will keep it and use my old stain stick on it which I know will get the last of it out. For me though, I won't be buying Clorox 2 Stain Fighter. The detergent packs I had less of a problem with. I liked that they are pre-measured - I know we all like to overfill our machines but the threat of non-dissolving, especially in 'heavy' loads of towels and stuff where I would be worried that they wouldn't move around enough, means that I would keep 'normal' detergent around as well so likely I won't re-buy it when I run out of the trial pack....

**** Update ****
I used my normal stain remover and detergent on it, and it's out: